VINE Groups

Hartsville Presbyterian Church

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations....




Hartsville Presbyterian Church exits to live in obedience to Christ's Great Commission to go and make disciples. We want to be a church full of people who love God's Word, who embrace sound biblical theology and who have a zeal for souls. We want to be a church which has energy for the work of evangelism and church establishment and has a genuine aim in her ministry the drawing in and building up of the Lord's people in response to Jesus' commission and promise.


Generate specific ideas of ways the church can extend the call of the gospel locally, regionally, and internationally.


Identify the areas of local involvement, as well as regional and global support, that will promote the sharing of the Good News of Jesus Christ, such as:

Provide materials and training to help the congregation spread the gospel.

Develop creative ideas for encouraging congregational involvment in missions.

Communicate requests and provide ways the congregation can specifically pray and contribute tangible support to meet the needs of our missionaries.


Encourage the congregation to have a robust concern and involvement in proclaiming the gospel in our city, surrounding community, region, state, nation and world.

Work with the Session in promoting special church events or ministries that will focus on communicating the gospel message.

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